argh. im so bothered by the upcoming assignments and projects. letting aside tests!

so traumatized by the presentation that i have to do.. in tutorial or maybe so unluckily in lecture too. hais. i hope i wont be one of the shortlisted ones. PLEASE NO..
was sleeping during fndb lab. i can even sleep during lab. SHIT. I JUST RMB THAT THE BLOODLY NEW TEACHER WAS BEHIND ME WHEN I SLEPT. AND SHE WAS OBSERVING THE CLASS. OH DAMN IT. BLESS ME. OK. next time i know what to do alr. i shall sit first row and entertain her lah. if not really jialet.. the current fndb teacher always ask if im ok. look at my face, i look problematic? HAHA!
huiyi pls stop showing me online shopping stuffs. too much lah. tempting me alot. i better stop browsing through that page. ARGH.
only two pages of it and these few items caught my attention.
pics are abit small though.. but nice right nice right! the skirt is damn nice. up close i mean. the jumpers and the knee length shorts too.. ok i shall think it over..
i cnt stand the sight of the from data to database book beside me. eyesore.
did some research on sri lanka's culture, festivals and history. will continue tml again. my attention span is short. ok.
lessons are still as boring, and to think we actually stayed in library and did so much copying for our fndb assignment tutorial 4. to be exact its arnd 2.5hrs. and i think jas and i will nv take to bedok again. NOTE: UNLESS NECCESSARY. =X
haha. i can forsee fun tml. because there are many lectures tml. =P lectures-filled day. =P
alright off to print and edit my assignment notes. i want time to revise cmaths and prsp. pls.